Sisters in Common History

The volunteer organization of Sisters In Common (S.I.C. Inc.) was developed in response to a void in culturally competent intervention services for adolescent females of color, in the Juvenile Justice System. Initially it evolved as a volunteer group of professionally connected women who worked with young women of color. These young people had numerous critical issues,which were not being addressed in “traditional treatment” social service agencies. These young women were seen as failures for not being successful in meeting court ordered requirements, such as in-patient treatment for substance abuse. The disproportionate rate of failure to complete treatment and other court ordered requirements (such as: anger management, conflict resolution, life skills and basic individual counseling) exposed a need to review and examine why they were not completing classes successfully. In a non-scientific survey of 100 individuals, and overwhelming number of the young women stated the classes/groups/treatment was not meaningful or helping them. A special report prepared by the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, cites the highest rate of interpersonal violence, homicide and poverty exist among youth of color in this area. Females were reported as disproportionately affected by interpersonal violence, in that partner or family members killed 49% of female homicide victims. Alcohol was associated with 43% of homicide and illicit drugs were found in 21% of the victims through blood test.
  • In 1991 S.I.C. was organized to develop a culturally competent curriculum that would impact destructive thinking, behavior and lifestyles of a targeted group of young women (i.e. involved in the Juvenile Justice System). S.I.C. Inc. initially consisted of a group of Juvenile Probation Counselors and Supervisor, a Social Service Worker for the City of Seattle, and one Teacher from Seattle Public Schools.
  • In 1991 the volunteer group of S.I.C. conducted weekly informational- support groups at a local community service agency (Atlantic Street Center), who volunteered their space and support to this effort.
  • In 1992 the City of Seattle Department of Housing and Human Services applied for a Federal Health & Human Services Adolescent Female Gang Prevention/Intervention Grant. S.I.C.’s curriculum and activities were outlined in that grant. When the City received the grant S.I.C. received funding to support their efforts in conducting the weekly groups as a volunteer organization. S.I.C. conducted weekly groups through the end of the grant year, September 1995. S.I.C. also assisted in developing the evaluation instruments with the City of Seattle’s evaluator to measure the effectiveness of the project.
  • On May 17, I993, S.I.C. became a non-profit ,organization and applied for 501 (c)(3) non-profit tax exempted status. The goal was to further develop and refine our current program curriculum and activities. Both the King County Department of Youth Services, and the City of Seattle have supported and encouraged the newly formed S.I.C. Inc. to become a social service agency, in that S.I.C. has demonstrated the commitment and expertise in working with young women of color.
  • From 1995 – 2000 the SIC in collaboration with the City Of Seattle, Department of Housing and Human Services applied for a grant through the OJJDP and became part of the five year Seattle SafeFutures consortium to reduce juvenile delinquency. The SIC “Save Our Sisters” Project provided intervention including outreach, needs assessment, advocacy , referral and follow-up services to at-risk youth and families. Also, weekly structured informational group was provided for adolescent girls who were referred by the Juvenile Justice System.
  • From 2001 – 9/2014, the SIC org contracted with the State of Washington, Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Children and Family Services, to provide therapeutic and parenting services for children and families.


  • In 2007 SIC Contracted with King County Superior Court to provide Intensive Counseling for Juveniles on Probation.
  • From 2009 to October 29th 2014, SIC Contracted with Atlantic Street Center to provide Counseling Services to Children and Families.
  • In 2011 SIC was licensed by DSHS/DBHR to provide Community Mental Health Services.
  • In 2013 SIC was approved by DSHS/DBHR as a Licensed Behavioral Health Agency, certified to provide Brief Intervention Treatment,Individual Treatment and Case Management.
  • November 30th 2014 – December 31st, 2018- Member NAVOS Sub – Contractor Consortium.
  • May 1, 2018, SIC received award from King County Best Starts for Kids, to provide Family, Friends and Neighbors (FFN) Child Care Health Consultation services designed to support African American, Eritrean, Ethiopian-Oromo, and Somali FFN child care providers.
  • July 1, 2018, Sisters In Common was Licensed by the Department of Health to provide Behavioral Health Services (Counseling and Case management).
  • July 3, 2018 SIC entered into a Project-Specific Agreement (“PSA”) with King County Accountable Community of Health LLC, to help to achieve Medicaid Transformation Project milestones.
  • Beginning in August 2018, Sisters In Common became a provider authorized, in the State of Washington, to provide managed health care services (Behavioral Health) to Covered Persons.
  • September 1, 2018, SIC received award from King County Best Starts for Kids, to provide Kaleidoscope Play & Learn groups for parents and caregivers to come together to learn about ways to support young children’s healthy growth and development while also building social networks.
  • January 2, 2019, Sisters In Common received our Certificate of Completion in Healthier Washington’s Practice Transformation Support Hub.
  • August 2019, Sisters In Common accepted the invitation from King County HealthierHere to join the pool of its Community Practice Partners.
  • November 2019, Sisters In Common qualified to become an Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT), Infant Mental Health service provider.
Barbara Jean Madison-Butler,  January 18, 1948 – April 22, 2003 Founding Member Sisters In Common and Joann Scott,  April 25,1947 – January 15, 2018 Founding Member Sisters In Common


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