Community SDoH Alert!

Mask Directive – English

  • Alert date May 15, 2020

    Covid 19 Related Resource


    Starting on May 18, 2020, King County residents are directed to wear face coverings in most public settings. Wear a face covering when you are at any indoor or outdoor public space where you may be within 6 feet of someone who does not live with you.

    Everyone is strongly urged to wear face coverings in places such as:

    Stores that sell food and beverages (including: grocery stores, pharmacies, corner stores, convenience stores, liquor stores, farmers’ markets, food banks, farm and produce stands, supermarkets, big box stores that sell groceries, and similar places that sell food).

    Retail stores (including: convenience stores, pet supply stores, auto supplies and repair shops, hardware and home improvement stores, garden stores that sell supplies for growing food, office supply stores, and home appliance stores)

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