SDoH Agency Snapshot

Client 135 Snapshot for June 21, 2020
documented by SIC Other Staff

Client ID: 135 Date: June 21, 2020 Time Started: 8:10 AM
Time Ended: 9:03 AM
Is Provider:
Living Situation: Discussed They have a place to live today, but they worried about losing it in the future Housing Issues: Discussed Pests such as bugs, ants, or mice, Oven or stove not working, Smoke detectors missing or not working Discussed Food Issues: Yes Received a food voucher:
Discussed Transportation Issues: Yes Discussed Utilities Issues: Yes Discussed Safety Issues: Yes Discussed Financial Issues: Yes
Discussed Employment Issues: Yes, they need help finding work Discussed Family and Community Support Issues: Yes Discussed Educational Issues: Yes Discussed Physical Activity Issues: Yes
Discussed Substance Abuse Issues: Yes Discussed Mental Health Issues: Yes Discussed Disability Issues: Yes Discussed Covid 19 Related Issues: Yes

Client is totally disabled and used wheel chair for all her movement. She mute.


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