SDoH CHW Snapshot

Client 159 Snapshot for July 12, 2020
documented by SIC Other Staff

Client ID: 159 Date: July 12, 2020 Time Started: 11:45 AM
Time Ended: 6:00 PM
Is Provider:
Living Situation: Discussed They have a place to live today, but they worried about losing it in the future Housing Issues: Discussed None of the above Discussed Food Issues: No Received a food voucher:
Discussed Transportation Issues: Yes Discussed Utilities Issues: No Discussed Safety Issues: No Discussed Financial Issues: Yes
Discussed Employment Issues: No Discussed Family and Community Support Issues: Yes Discussed Educational Issues: No Discussed Physical Activity Issues: No
Discussed Substance Abuse Issues: No Discussed Mental Health Issues: No Discussed Disability Issues: Yes Discussed Covid 19 Related Issues: Yes

Client chronic health issue of renal failure. Prepare for PD implant surgery tomorrow and help set up medication boxes for 3 weeks. Had to pay for and arrange transportation to and from the agency. Client has serious financial problems and housing instability issues living ama with her adult children and their children. Said she is very stressed out. Against advise arrangement made regarding her secure saved money to give to her grandchildren. Client as for prayer and receive it and a phone call in morning to get to the doctor. She has little support from her family. Need a safe place to live to heal for 5 weeks.


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