Community SDoH Alert!

If you needed another reason to avoid corona-virus AT ALL COST!!!! , here is one!!

  • Alert date July 29, 2020


    Covid 19 Related Resource

    Contact: This study proves there are far more consequences of catching corona-virus than just dying of it.

    Study shows, EVEN MILD corona-virus infection can cause lasting cardiovascular damage.

    The study published Monday in The Journal American Medical Association- Cardiology, (JAMA), details the results of cardiac MRI exams of 100 RECOVERED CORONAVIRUS PATIENTS. Twenty-eight (28) of them required oxygen supplementation while fighting the virus, while just two (2) were on ventilators. SEVENTY-EIGHT (78) of them still had cardiovascular abnormalities after recovery, with SIXTY (60) of them showing “ongoing myocardial inflammation,” the study shows. These conditions appeared to be independent of case severity and pre-existing conditions, though JAMA researchers note these findings need a larger study.

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